HICAPS available
In Australia, most private health insurance funds cover chiropractic care, and the federal government funds chiropractic care when the patient is referred by a medical practitioner
Sports Massage
This is the type of massage that massage therapists have. It involves cross friction, trigger points and active muscular therapy. This can cause some discomfort during the massage therapy but the results are about providing sound relief. Some patients can tolerate more pressure that others, so the chiropractor needs to match the pressure to the patient’s tolerance. This deep tissue massage can only be performed at the patient’s tolerance.
Dry Needling
A very effective therapy for your many types of pain and it involves inserting acupuncture needles into muscle around the involved injured or painful site. Needles are all sterile, single use and vary in size. Needles are left in the area for 5-7 minutes. The procedure is rarely mildly uncomfortable and is often painless. You can feel tired so we recommend you replenish your body with water after the procedure.
Cranial Techniques
Cranial distortions can cause variation undue pressure on brain structures. Cranial balancing and spheno-basilar techniques help enhances C.S.F movement in a similar way to deep breathing in an adult. Skull molding is done to balance the skull and align the dura. Sutural correction aligns sutures and cranial membranes. It is important to gently guide and correct sutural bulging and overlapping to allow optimal cranial balance. Cranial range of motion is invaluable for ensuring a balance cranial-dural system
Webster Technique
The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation Sacroiliac joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved often for mother especially during pregnanacy. Correction is made with a diversified, sacral adjustment. It is used on all weight bearing individuals presenting with this biomechanical restriction. Common symptoms include (but are not limited to) low back pain, sciatic neuralgia, and symptoms associated with sacral subluxation and/ or S/I joint dysfunction
Chiropractic biophysics principles and traction.
Thus, today, CBP® Technique is one of the foremost investigated techniques in Chiropractic . CBP® Technique emphasizes optimal posture and spinal alignment as the primary goals of chiropractic care while simultaneously documenting improvements in pain and functional based outcomes. The uniqueness of CBP® treatment is in structural rehabilitation of the spine and posture. The goals of CBP® Care are to return normal positioning of the spinal and spinal related structure through chiropractic care and rehabilitative exercise. When diseases joints are back in alignment they start to re-engage with normal movement which provides 2 goals.
1) Can reduces irritation of spinal nerves which reduces pain & symptoms.
2) Can prevent further progression of osteoarthritic decay or even stops it ever starting. So ideally in 5, 10 years or a lifetime later less osteoarthritis will have formed as a result of a more aligned spine.
If necessary ACT Chiropractic has onsite digital xrays allowing the chiropractor to instantly see images of your spine. The usefulness of x-ray in assisting the chiropractor in both diagnosing and adjusting the subluxation is a very useful and necessary tool. Xray images provide the chiropractor greater detail of the health of your spinal vertebrae, pelvis and cranial bones. The chiropractor uses the position of bones to determine where the ligaments in your spinal column have been stretched or torn. The xrays are used to determine whether the patient can qualify for chiropractic care.
However in certain circumstances an X-ray may not be taken. Children’s bodies are constantly developing and changing, therefore X-rays are only taken in select cases. Also, pregnant women will not be X-rayed. PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR CHIROPRACTOR EVEN IF YOU SUSPECT YOU ARE PREGNANT.
Benefits of an X-ray:
• Rules out pathology
• Important visual record of the spine
• Determines the biomechanical status of each spine
• Identifies areas of spinal decay/degeneration
• Confirms examination findings
• Informs the Chiropractor the direction of misalignment. This allows maximal correction of the subluxation, quickly allowing the patients to return to optimal health.
Minimizing Exposure to X-rays:
• Only the necessary views are taken
• The latest up-to-date equipment is utilised
• Regular mandatory government inspection and testing of site
• Sensitive high speed film shortens the exposure time
• Highly accurate electronic timing
• Luminescent screens amplify the image
• Filters and collimation limit the beam to areas required
• Shields protect sensitive body parts, for example gonads and eyes
• Pre X-ray measurement to decrease the amount of X-rays required minimising the number of exposures required.